Tuesday, 15 March 2016


1.       Wind speed in a tropicaJ severe cyclone is:
a.       27 -33 kt 
b.     48 - 63 kt  
c.       17-27 kt
2.       Fronts are characteristic of:
a.      Tropical cyclone
b.    Extra-tropical depressions
c.      Monsoon depressions
3.       During re-curvature maximum weather in a monsoon depression occurs in
a.         SE sector
b.       NW sector 
c.      SW sector
d.       NE sector
4.       On whatever compass course the cyclone is approached, strong winds from the port indicate that the centre lies somewhere

a.       Ahead     
b.       Behind
c.         Port    
d.       Starboard
5.       The well developed extra tropical cyclonic storm is composed of two main frontal systems and an occluded front, which varies in extent:
a.      A stationary Front followed by a warm front
b.      A low with a warm front radiating out Southwards followed by a cold front.
c.      A warm front and an occluded front
d.      None of the above
6.       The weather expected in a well developed cyclonic storm is:
a.       Moderate Weather
b.       Stormy weather
c.       Clear skies           
d.       No wind or temperature change
7.       Cyclone always approach land areas before they die
a.       True 
b.      False
8.       The……….. is the most dangerous part of the cyclone is
a.       eye wall
b.       eye
9.       No CS form
a.       At Poles
b.       At Equator
c.       At Lat 40 deg
10.   Life    cycle of a tropical cyclone in India is
a.       2-3 Days 
b.       10 Days    
c.       6-7 Days
11.   CS in Indian region are less intense because
a.      They have a very short travel over the sea
b.      Sea surface temp, are not high
c.      India is close to Equator
12.   CS in India are mostly of intensity
a.       Severe     
b.       Very Weak
c.      Moderate
13.   Eye of a CS is surrounded by
a.       Shelf Clouds        
b.       Wall Clouds
c.       Rotor Clouds
14.   Surge is sudden strengthening of wind in the ...air mass
a.       Same 
b.       Different
c.      Both

15.   During winters
a.      Advection fog occurs over northern & central part of India
b.      Radiation fog occurs in southern part of country
c.    Activity of Radiation fog increases after the passage of a WD over N India
16.   Low Temperatures and low humidity is the characteristic of
a.      Post Monsoon  
b.     Hot weather
c.       Monsoon  
d.       Winter months
17.   Hot weather period is
a.       Jan-Feb    
b.     Mar-May 
c.       Jun-Sept   
d.       Oct - Dec
18.   During hot weather
a.    WDs cause TS / DS over Punjab & Rajasthan
b.      No WD affect N-parts of country
c.      Track of WD is southern most
19.   The monsoon current over the West coast of India is
a.     SWly  
b.       SEly
c.       NEly
20.   Monsoon period is
a.      Jan to Feb
b.      March to May
c.    June to Sep
d.      Oct to Dec
21.   The monsoon advances with
a.      Bay of Bengal current only
b.      Arabian Sea current only
c.    Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea currents
22.   The rainfall over India during monsoon depends on
a.      Low over Pakistan
b.      Depression over Bay of Bengal
c.      The position of the axis of Monsoon Trough
23.   Rainfall occurs all over the country during monsoon when
a.    Axis of MT is in its normal position along Gangetic plains
b.      Axis of MT is along Himalayas
c.      Depression has formed o-er Bay of Bengal
24.   Break in monsoon occurs when
a.      Axis of monsoon trough is along Gangetic plains
b.    Axis of monsoon trough is along foot hills of Himalayas
c.      Depression over Bay of Bengal
25.   With a depression over the head Bay fair weather during monsoon occurs over
a.     Assam
b.      W Bengal 
c.       Orissa
26.   Monsoon is also called
a.       NE monsoon        
b.    SW monsoon         
c.       SE monsoon
27.   Post monsoon weather period re
a.       Mar to May          
b.       Jun to Sept
c.     Oct to Nov
d.       Jan to Feb
28.   During post monsoon, pressure gradient over India is
a.     weak 
b.       steep  
c.      same as winters
29.   During monsoon period, low pressure lies over
a.       Bay of Bengal
b.       NE India 
c.       Central India
d.    Pakistan
30.   During vigorous monsoon period the pressure gradient over west coast is
a.       Weak  
b.     Steep 
c.      Normal
31.   An aircraft flying in Monsoon season from Chennai to Kolkata at 14 km will experience winds
a.     Easterly
b.       Westerly   
c.      Nly 
d.       Southerly
32.   An aircraft flying in Winter season from Chennai to Kolkata at 12 km will experience winds
a.       Ely  
b.     Wly 
c.      Nly   
d.       Sly
33.   An aircraft flying in Pre monsoon season from Delhi to Kolkata at 10 km will experience winds
a.       Easterly
b.     Westerly   
c.       Northerly  
d.      Southerly
34.   An aircraft flying in Monsoon season from Mumbai to Ahmedabad at 03 km will experience winds
a.       SEly 
b.     SWIy  
c.       Nly
d.       NWly
35.   An aircraft flying in winter season from Delhi  to Kolkata at 06 km will experience winds
a.       SEly  
b.       SWIy 
c.        Nly  
d.     NW - Wly
36.   An aircraft flying in winter season from Delhi  to Kolkata at 06 km will experience
a.     Port drift
b.       Starboard drift     
c.       Tail wind
d.       Head win
37.   An aircraft flying in winter season from Kolkata to Nagpur at 02 km will experience
a.     Port drift
b.       Starboard drift     
c.       Tail wind  
d.       Head wind
38.   During break monsoon the pressures all over the country
a.     Rise 
b.       Fall  
c.       Do not change
39.   During break monsoon sometimes the surface winds over East UP and Bihar are
a.       very strong
b.       weak  
c.      normal
40.   Mid tropospheric cyclone occurs during
a.       Pre monsoon       
b.       Winters
c.       Post monsoon      
d.     SW monsoon
41.   Mid tropospheric cyclone during monsoon form over
a.       Orissa       
b.       Punjab
c.     Gujarat
d.       Chennai
42.   El Nino episode is applied by fishermen to a period of reduced fish catch due to suppression of upwelling
a.    warm surface coastal current
b.       Wly surface coastal current
c.      Cold surface coastal current
43.   Maximum cyclones            occur over India in
a.       Pre monsoon       
b.       Winters
c.     Post monsoon
d.       SW monsoon
44.   Tropical Jet stream             occurs in India during
a.       Pre monsoon
b.       Winters
c.       Post monsoon
d.     SW monsoon
45.   Pressure gradient over West Coast of India is steep during
a.       Pre monsoon       
b.       Winters
c.       Post monsoon
d.     SW monsoon
46.   During break in monsoon rain occurs
a.     along foot hills
b.       NW India  

c.      S India


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