Friday, 11 March 2016

Syllabus for Examination for Issue of Private Pilot’s Licence - Air Navigation (DGCA)

1. Air Navigation
1.1 Form of the Earth
- axis, poles
- meridians of longitude
- parallels of latitude
- great circle, small circle, rhumb line
- hemispheres, north/south, east/west
1.2 Mapping
- aeronautical maps and charts (topographical)
- projections and their properties
- conformality
- equivalence
- scale
- great circles and rhumb lines

Conformal orthomorphic projection (ICAO 1.500,000 chart)
- main properties
- construction
- convergence of meridians
- presentation of meridians, parallels, great circles and rhumb lines
- scale, standard parallels
- depiction of height

- true north
- earth’s magnetic field, variation – annual change
- magnetic north
- vertical and horizontal components
- isogonals, agonic lines

Aeroplane magnetism
- magnetic influences within the aeroplane
- compass deviation
- turning, acceleration errors
- avoiding magnetic interference with the comass
- units
- measurement of distance in relation to map projection

Charts in practical navigation
- plotting positions
- latitude and longitude
- bearing and distance
- use of navigation protractor
- measurement of tracks and distances

Chart reference material/map reading
- map analysis
- topography
- relief
- cultural features
- permanent features (e.g. line features, spot features, unique or special features)
- features subject to change (e.g. water)
- preparation
- folding the map for use
- methods of map reading
- map orientation
- checkpoint features
- anticipation of checkpoints
- with continuous visual contact
- without continuous visual contact
- when uncertain of position
- aeronautical symbols
- aeronautical information
- conversion of units

1.3 Principles of navigation
- IAS, CAS and TAS
- track, true and magnetic
- wind velocity, heading and groundspeed
- triangle of velocities
- calculation of heading and ground speed
- drift, wind correction angle
- dead reckoning, position, fix
1.4 The navigation computer
- use of the circular slide rule to determine
- TAS, time and distance
- conversion of units
- fuel required
- pressure, density and true altitude
- time en-route and ETA
- use of the computer to solve triangle of velocities
- application of TAS and wind velocity to track
- determination of heading and ground speed
- drift and wind correction angle
1.5 Time
- relationship between universal co-ordinated (standard) (UTC) time and local mean time (LMT)
- definition of sunrise and sunset times
1.6 Flight planning
- selection of charts
- route and aerodrome weather forecasts and reports
- assessing the weather situation
- plotting the route
- considerations of controlled/ regulated airspace, airspace restrictions, danger areas, etc.
- use of AIP and NOTAMS
- ATC liaison procedures in controlled/ regulated airspace
- fuel considerations
- en-route safety altitude(s)
- alternate aerodromes
- communications and radio/navaid frequencies
- compilation of flight log
- compilation of ATC flight plan
- selection of check points, time and distance marks
- weight and balance calculations
- weight and performance calculations
1.7 Practical navigation
- compass headings, use of deviation card
- organization of in-flight workload
- departure procedure, log entries, altimeter setting and establishing IAS
- maintenance and heading of altitude
- use of visual observations
- establishing position, checkpoints
- revisions to heading and ETA
- arrival procedures, ATC liaison
- completion of flight log and aeroplane log entries.
2. Flight Performance and Planning
2.1 Mass and Balance
Mass and Balance
- limitations on maximum mass
- forward and aft limitations of centre of gravity, normal and utility operation
- mass and centre of gravity calculations – aeroplane manual and balance sheet

2.2 Performance

- take-off run and distance available
- take-off and initial climb
- effects of mass, wind and density altitude
- effects of ground surface and gradient
- use of flaps

- effects of mass, wind, density altitude and approach speed
- use of flaps
- ground surface and gradient

- relationship between power required and power available
- performance diagram
- maximum rate and maximum angle of climb
- range and endurance
- effects of configuration, mass, temperature and altitude
- reduction of performance during climbing turns
- gliding
- adverse effects
- icing, rain
- condition of the airframe
- effect of flap
4. Radio Navigation
- Ground D/F
- application
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting range and accuracy
- ADF, including associated beacons (NDBs) and use of the radio magnetic indicator (RMI)
- application
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting range and accuracy
- application
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting range and accuracy
- application
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting reliability and accuracy
- Ground Radar
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting reliability and accuracy
- Secondary Surveillance Radar
- principles (transponders)
- application
- presentation and interpretation
- modes and codes
5. Communications
Radio Telephony and Communications
- use of AIP and frequency selection
- microphone technique
- phonetic alphabet
- station/aeroplane callsigns/abbreviation
- transmission technique
- use of standard words and phrases
- listening out
- required ‘readback’ instructions

Departure procedures
- radio checks
- taxi instructions
- holding on ground
- departure clearance
En-route procedures
- frequency changing

- position, altitude/flight level reporting
- flight information service
- weather information
- weather reporting
- procedures to obtain bearings, headings, position
- procedural phraseology
- height/range coverage

Arrival and traffic pattern procedures
- arrival clearance
- calls and ATC instructions during the:
- circuit
- approach and landing
- vacating runway
Communication failure
- action to be taken
- alternate frequency
- serviceability check, including microphone and headphones
- in-flight procedures according to type of airspace
Distress and urgency procedures
- distress (Mayday), definition and when to use
- frequencies to use
- contents of Mayday message
- urgency (Pan), definition and when to use
- frequencies to use
- relay of messages
- maintenance of silence when distress/urgency call heard
- cancellation of distress/urgency
6. General Flight Safety
- seat adjustment and security
- harnesses and seat belts
- emergency equipment and its use
- fire extinguisher
- engine/cabin fires
- de-icing systems
- survival equipment, life jackets, life rafts

- carbon monoxide poisoning
- re-fuelling precautions
- flammable goods/pressurized container

- wake turbulence
- aquaplaning
- windshear, take-off, approach and landing
- passenger briefings
- emergency exits
- evacuation from the aeroplane
- forced landings
- gear-up landing
- ditching

7. Instrumentation
7.1 Flight Instruments
Pitot / Static System
- pitot tube, function
- pitot tube, static source
- alternate static source
- position error
- system drains
- errors caused by blockage or leakage
Airspeed indicator
- principles of operation
- relationship between pitot and static pressure
- definitions of indicated, calibrated and true airspeed
- instrument errors,
- airspeed indications, colour coding
- pilot’s serviceability checks
- principles of operation and construction
- function of the sub-scale
- effects of atmospheric density
- pressure altitude
- true altitude
- international standard atmosphere
- flight level
- presentation (three needle)
- instrument errors
- pilot’s service ability checks
Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
- principles of operation and construction
- function
- inherent lag
- instantaneous VSI
- presentation
- pilot’s serviceability checks
- principles
- rigidity
- precession
Turn indicator
- rate gyro
- purpose and function
- effect of speed
- presentation
- turn coordinator
- limited rate of turn indications
- power source
- balance indicator
- principle
- presentation
- pilot’s serviceability checks

Altitude indicator
- earth gyro
- purpose and function
- presentations
- interpretation
- operating limitations
- power source pilot’s serviceability checks

Heading indicator
- Directional gyro
- Purpose and function
- Presentation
- Use with Magnetic compass
- Setting mechanism
- Apparent drift
- Operating limitation
- Power source
- Pilot’s serviceability checks

Magnetic Compass
- construction and function
- earth’s magnetic field
- variation and deviation
- turning, acceleration errors
- precautions when carrying magnetic items
- pilot’s service ability checks
Engine Instruments
- principles, presentation and operational use of:
- oil temperature gauge
- oil pressure gauge
- cylinder head temperature gauge
- exhaust gas meter
- manifold pressure gauge
- fuel pressure gauge
- fuel flow gauge
- fuel quantity gauge (s)
- tachometer
Other Instruments
- principles, presentation and operational use of:
- vacuum gauge
- voltmeter and ammeter
- warning indicators
- others relevant to aeroplane type

7.2 Airworthiness
- certificate to be in force
- compliance with requirements
- periodic maintenance inspections
- compliance with flight manual (or equivalent), instructions, limitations, placards
- flight manual supplements
- provision and maintenance of documents
- aeroplane, engine and propeller log books
- recording of defects
- permitted maintenance by pilots

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