Monday, 14 March 2016


1.       The ratio in % between the amount of water vapour present in the air to the amount of water vapour that it can hold at the same temperature is
a.      Humidity
b.    Relative humidity
c.      Dew point
2.       The temperature to which air be cooled at constant pressure to become saturated, is called
a.      Wet bulb temperature
b.      Dry bulb temperature
c.    Dew point
d.      Humidity
3.       Free air temperature, Wet bulb temperature and Dew point temperature are equal when
a.      Air temperature is 0°C
b.    Relative humidity is 100%
c.      Air temperature is not below 0°C
4.       On a rainy day compared to sunny day the length of runway required is
a.    More
b.      Less
c.      Same
5.       The spread between Free air temperature and Dew point temperature is .... when air is saturated
a.      Large
b.    Least
c.      Same
6.       The saturation vapour pressure over water is         than the ice
a.    More
b.      Less
c.      Same
7.       As the temperature of the air increases, the amount of water vapour required to saturate it
a.      decreases
b.    increases
c.      remains same
8.       The actual amount of water vapour contained in a given volume of air at a given temperature is termed as ...

a.      Relative Humidity
b.      Specific Humidity
c.    Absolute Humidity
9.       Humidity Mixing Ratio  …….          when air is lifted adiabatically
a.      decreases
b.    remains constant
c.      increases
10.   It is the lowest temperature which air would attain by evaporating water into it to saturate it.
a.    Wet bulb temp
b.      Dry bulb temp

c.      Dew point

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