Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Regulation Miscellaneous Que. Paper - 2

1. Prohibition of flights over Mathura refinery:
a) With in a radius of 1 NM.                   b) With in a radius of 10 NM
c) With in a radius of 20 NM                  d) with in a radius of 10 kms
Ans.     (d)  

2. Following failure of two way radio communications the pilot should select one of the  
   following on the transponder :
a) Mode A 7700    b) Mode A 7500      c) Mode C 2000    d) Mode A 7600
Ans.     (d)

3. When two aircraft are approaching head on, the rules of the air require that
a) Both aircraft alter heading to starboard            b) Both aircraft alter heading to port                                    
c) The larger aircraft alters heading to starboard d) The smaller aircraft alters heading to port
Ans.     (a) 

4. An Instrument Rating Test is valid before renewal for:   
a) 6 months   b) 13 months   c) 12 months   d) 2 years
Ans.     (c)

5. While flying at night another aircraft reports that you are on a relative bearing of 100 degrees  
     from him . You should see his:                                                                                  
a) Red navigation light                                   b) White navigation light
c) Green & white navigation lights                d) Green navigation light
Ans.     (d)

6. A light aircraft taking off from an intermediate position on the runway after a heavy aircraft
      requires a wake vortex separation of : a) 2 minutes      b) 8 minutes   c) 3nm    d) 3 minutes
Ans.     (d)

7. EAT is the time that an aircraft :
a)   Is expected to join the field  b)   Is expected to leave the hold and commence its approach
c)   Is expected to land 
d)   Is expected to leave the last en-route holding point before destination
Ans. (b)

8. Above 30000 ft the vertical separation between aircraft on reciprocal tracks will be:        
 a) 2000ft     b) 1000ft
 c) 1000ft or 2000ft depending on whether or not the aircraft are in RVSM airspace
 d) 4000ft
Ans. (c) 

9. An aircraft Captain should transmit special aircraft observations when he encounters:          
a) Severe turbulence or icing
b) Moderete turbulence , hail or Cb clouds during supersonic or transonic flight
c)  Other conditions that the Captain considers  may affect the safety of other aircraft
d)  All of the above
Ans. (d)

10. Normal horizontal separation provided by radar units is:                                                         
 a)      3nm       b)      5nm         c)      10nm        d)      8nm
Ans. (b)

11. The possible symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are :
a) Anxiety, rapid breathing & dizziness                                         
b) Lethargy, nausea, headache & complexion
c) Blueness of lips, impaired judgment and co-ordination
d) Excitability, tingling fingertips & loss of inhibition
Ans. (b)

12. If a pilot goes scuba diving to a depth of 30 feet for more than 10 mts , he / she should not fly within :  a) 12 hours   b) 36 hours   c) 24 hours    d) 48 hours
Ans. (c) 

13.A continuous red beam directed at an aircraft from the ATC tower means :
    a) Airfield unserviceable, land elsewhere     b) Airfield closed, do not land                                                           
    c) Do not land, give way to other aircraft and continue circling
    d) Clear the landing area
Ans. (c) 

14. Two aircraft of the same category are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing. The
       right-of-way belongs to the aircraft. 
a) at the higher altitude .
b) at the lower altitude ,but the pilot shall not take advantage of this rule to cut in front of  or   to to overtake the other aircraft.  
c) That is more maneuverable ,and that aircraft may ,with caution ,move in front of or overtake the other aircraft .
Ans. (b)

15.  What is the minimum flight visibility and proximity to cloud requirement s for VFR flight, at 6500 feet MSL, in Class D airspace?
a)   1.5 Km visibility; clear of clouds b)  10000 feet MSL, if above 10000 feet AGL.
c)  5 Km visibility; and 1000 feet below. 
Ans. (c)  

16.  Air Traffic Advisory Service is provided in airspace classified as
a) Class E   b) Class F     c) Class G      d) Class A
Ans. (b)

17.  When landing behind a large jet aircraft ,at which point on the runway should you plan to land  ?
a) If any crosswind ,land on the windward side of the runaway and prior to the jet’s touchdown point .
b) At least 1000 feet beyond the jet’s touchdown point  . 
c) Beyond the jet’s touchdown point  .
Ans. (c) 

18.  At an altitude of 6500 feet MSL the current altimeter setting is 996 hPa. The pressure
       altitude would be approx. a) 7500 feet.    b) 6000 feet.   c) 7000 feet.      d) 8000 feet
Ans. (c)

19. Hazardous wake turbulence caused by aircraft in still air
a) dissipates immediately                                 b) dissipates rapidly .
c) May persist for two minutes or more           d) persists indefinitely.
Ans. (c)

20.  Wake turbulence will be greatest when generated by an aeroplane which is                                                 
a) Heavy, landing configuration and slow speed  
b) Heavy, clean configuration and slow speed.
c) Light, clean configuration and high speed.
d) Heavy, take-off configuration and slow speed.
Ans. (b)

21. While flying on a magnetic track of 140 degrees the aircraft on VFR plan will select the
       following levels:  a) 80   b) 95   c) 85   d) 70
Ans. (b)

22.  Landing and housing charges are payable by private aircraft according to:   
a)      Seating capacity of the aircraft.  b. Number of passengers on board the aircraft.
c.       All –up weight of the aircraft.    d. No charges; if free passengers are carried.
Ans. (a)

23. The marshalling signal – “arms extended overhead, palms facing inwards, arms swung from
      The extended position inwards “means:
a) Stop     b) Chokes inserted    c) Brakes applied   d) Cut Engines
Ans. (a)

24.  Smoking on a private aircraft is permitted:                
a.       Provided the owner has no objection.
b.      Provided permitted by the aerodrome officer.
c.       Without restriction if no passengers are carried.
d.      Only if the certificate of airworthiness of the aircraft permits.
Ans. (d)
25.  An aircraft without registration markings can be flown only             
a)      If the sale deed is not yet completed   b) For purpose of test flight only, prior to purchase.
c) If it is used for Govt. Work.             d) If specially permitted in writing by the central govt.
Ans. (d)

26.  The member of operating crew shall not have taken alcoholic drinks:
a)      6 hrs before commencement if flight.        b. 12 hrs before commencement of flight. 
c.   24 hrs before commencement of flight.     d. 36 hrs before commencement of flight.
Ans. (b)

27.  Photography at an aerodrome can be done with prior permission in writing from :
      a. Aerodrome officer b. DGCA c. Central Govt. d. Indian Air Force
Ans. (c)

28. At the correct height on the approach to runway with PAPIs pilot should see:                              
a) Two red lights and two white      b) Four red lights 
c) Four white lights                         d) Three white lights and one red
Ans. (a)

29. The maximum speed for an aircraft flying in class F or G airspace below F 100 is:             
a) 250KTS IAS    b) 250Kts TAS   c) 280Kts IAS    d) 150Kts IAS
Ans. (a)

30.  While refueling is in progress, no naked light be brought within ____________ mts:
a)      35   b. 30  c. 100  d. 15
Ans. (d)

31.  A pilot  flying low due to thunder showers for safety reasons can be sued by:
a)      State Govt.                                                           b)Municipal Corporation.  
c) Owner of the property over which it is flying.      d) Cannot be sued.
Ans. (d)

32.  A person can bring to India human remains of a person who has died of plague:
a)      If enclosed in a wooden box.       If enclosed in a shell of zinc.
b)      If enclosed in a hermetically sealed shell of zinc after permission id obtained from proper authority.
c)      Cannot bring them.
Ans. (a)

33. Class ‘D’ airspace in India
      a) Includes controlled airspace in form of terminal control areas and ATS routes where IFR
          traffic is provided  Air Traffic Services
      b) Includes controlled airspace inform of control zone , control areas , terminal control areas
           where IFR flights receive Air Traffic control service and VFR flights receive traffic
           information and traffic avoidance advice on request
       c) Extends from a specified height above control zone and aerodrome traffic zone where
           separation between IFR flights is assured
Ans. (b)

34. Two aircraft of the different category are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing.
      The right-of-way belongs to the aircraft
a) At the higher altitude
b) At the lower altitude, but the pilot shall not take advantage of this rule to cut in front of or
    to overtake the other aircraft
c) That is more maneuverable , that the aircraft may with caution  move in front of  or
     overtake the other aircraft
Ans. (b)

35.  In the event of the forced landing at an uncontrolled aerodrome, aircraft
a)      May take off after giving report to the district magistrate/police.
b)      May take off if the forced landing was not due to any factor effecting the safe operation of the aircraft.
c)      Must not take off till permission is obtained from DGCA.
Ans. (a)

36.   What wind condition prolongs the hazards of wake turbulence on a landing runway for the
         longest period of time ?
a) Direct headwind    b) Direct tailwind   c) Light quartering tailwind  
Ans. (c)

37.  The altimeter indicates the aircraft altitude in relation to
a) sea level     b) the standard datum plane c) the pressure level set in the barometric window .
Ans. (c)

38. The pressure altitude at a given location is indicated on the altimeter after the altimeter is set to
a)  The field elevation   b) 29.92”    c) the current altimeter setting  d) the QFE setting 
Ans. (b)

39. During the two minutes after the passage of a heavy aeroplane in cruising flight, hazardous
      wing tip vortices will
a) Dissipate completely b) dissipate rapidly  c) dissipate slowly  d) remain at cruising altitude
Ans. (c)

40. What effect would a light crosswind have on the wing tip vortices generated by a large
      aeroplane that had just taken off ?
a) Could cause one vortex to remain over the runway for sometime
b) Would rapidly dissipate the strength of both vortices
c) Would rapidly clear the runway of all vortices
d) Would not affect the lateral movement of the vortices
Ans. (a)

41. LDA for runway 27 at an aerodrome is 1599mts .Pair of touchdown zone markings for this
      runway will be: a) 3     b) 6         c) 4      d) 5
Ans. (c)

42.  An aerial work aircraft on a VFR plan to Jaipur departs at 1032 hrs UTC.  Sunset time at Jaipur is 1318 UTC. The flying time available to him to reach jaipur is :
a)      2 hrs & 46 minutes.   b) 2 hrs  &  26 min  c) 2 hrs & 16 min  d) 3 hrs & 06
Ans. (a )

43. Number of threshold stripes on a runway of 25 m width shall be: a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 12
Ans. (c)

44. Colour of intermediate holding position markings shall be:
a) White   b) Red   c) Green    d) Yellow
 Ans. (d)

45.  The “Certificate of Airworthiness” of an aircraft shall be deemed to be suspended when an aircraft:
a)      Is involved in an accident/incident.
b)      Is modified or repaired without the consent of the Director General.
c)      Is modified or repaired otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of the rules.
d)     Is involved in a serious violation of the rules contained in the aircraft rules.
Ans. (a)

46.  Minimum crew required on private aircraft is:
a)      One pilot.     b) Two pilots      c) As specified in the certificate of the Airworthiness
d)  The flight instructor along with private pilot.
Ans. (c)

47.  A pvt. Aircraft from Chennai to Colombo is required to carry on board.
a)      Journey log book.  b Route Guide  c. Operation Manual  d. All of the above
Ans. (b)

48.  Aircraft meets  with an accident on runway, its wreckage can be removed:
a)      For smooth flow of air traffic.           b) For removing a dead body or injured person.
c)  After taking photographs.                   d) Both (a) and (b) are correct
Ans. (a)

49.  A person dies of cholera, his body can be brought to India if:
a)      Packed in a wooden box.   b) Cannot be brought.   
c)   Sealed in zinc and packed in a wooden box. Closed in a shell of zinc, joints sealed, shell
      enclosed in a teak wooden box which is enclosed in zinc lined box, filled with saw dust
       impregnated with carbolic powder.
d)     Permitted by the DGCA.
Ans. (c)

50.  FDTL for 2 crew international flight is ______ hrs and _____ landing.
a)      10 hrs and 3 landings       b) Three hrs and 9 landings
c)    9 hrs and 3 landings        d) 8 hrs and 3 landings.

Ans. (c)


  1. Hello someone help me.. I'm Confused About 22 Question Of Answer.. what the correct Answer A Or C.

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