Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Syllabus for Examination for Issue of Commercial Pilot’s Licence - Tech General (DGCA)


1. Aircraft and Engines
1.1 Airframe and Systems
- Fuselage
- types of construction
- stress
- Wings
- types of construction
- structural components
- stress
- Stabilizing surfaces
- vertical, horizontal and V-tail surfaces
- ‘flutter’
- compensation system
- mach trim
- Landing Gear
- types
- locking devices and emergency extension systems
- accidental retraction prevention devices
- position, movement lights and indicators
- nose wheel steering
- wheels and tyres (limitations)
- braking systems
- parking brake
- mode of operation of anti-skid system
- mode of system of auto brake system
- operation, indications and warning systems
- Flight Controls
- Primary controls:
- elevator, aileron and rudder
- trim
- mode of actuation (mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, fly-by-wire)
- operation, indicators, warning devices and controls)
- efforts to transmit
- Secondary controls:
- leading and trailing edge lift augmentation devices
- lift dumping and speed brakes
- variable elevator
- mode of actuation (mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, fly-by-wire)
- operation, indicators, warning devices and controls)
- danger situations and potential failures
- Hydraulics
- Basic principles of hydromechanics
- hydraulic fluids
- schematic construction and functioning of hydraulic systems
- Hydraulic system
- main, standby and emergency system
- operation, indicators, warning system
- ancillary system
- Pneumatic system
- power sources
- schematic construction
- potential failures, warning devices
- operation, indicators, warning systems
- pneumatic operated systems
- Air-conditioning systems
- construction, functioning, operation, indicators and warning devices
- heating and cooling
- temperature regulation
- automatic and manual
- ram air ventilation
- schematic construction
- Anti-ice systems
- aerofoil and control surfaces, power plant, air intakes, windshield
- schematic construction, operating limitations and initiation, timing of de-icing system usage
- ice warning system
- Pressurization
- cabin altitude, maximum cabin altitude, differential pressure
- pressurized zones in the aircraft
- safety devices and warning systems
- rapid decompression, cabin altitude warning
- emergency procedures
- Non-pneumatic operated de-ice and anti-ice systems
- schematic construction, functioning and operation of:
- air intake
- propeller-pitot, static pressure sensor and stall warning devices
- windshield
- rain repellent system
- Fuel system
- Fuel tanks
- structural components and types
- location of tanks on single-and-multi-engine aircraft
- sequence and types of re-fuelling
- unusable fuel
- Fuel feed
- gravity and pressure feed
- crossfeed
- Fuel system monitoring
- operating, indicators, warning systems
- fuel management (sequencing of fuel tank switching)
- dip stick
1.2 Electrics
a) Director Current (DC); Direct /Alternating Current (DC/AC)
- General
- electric circuits
- voltage, current, resistance
- Ohm’s law
- resistive circuits
- resistance as a function of temperature
- electrical power, electrical work
- fuses (function, type and operation)
- the electrical field
- the capacitor (function) system, shock absorbers)
- Batteries
- types, characteristics
- capacity
- uses
- hazards
- Magnetism
- permanent magnetism
- electromagnetism:
- relay, circuit breaker, solenoid valve (principle, function and applications)
- electromagnetic power
- electromagnetic induction
- Generators
- alternator:
- principle, function and applications
- monitoring devices
- regulation, control and protection
- modes of excitation
- starter generator
- Distribution
- current distribution (buses)
- monitoring of electrical flight instruments/systems:
- ammeter, voltmeter
- annunciators
- electrical consumers
- DC power distribution:
- construction, operation and system monitoring
- elementary switching circuits
- Inverter
- The aircraft structure as an electrical conductor
b) Alternating Current (AC)
- General
- single and multi-phase AC
- frequency
- phase shift
- AC components
- Generators
- 3-phase generator
- brushless generator
- generator drive:
- constant speed drive
- integrated drive
- AC power distribution
- operation and monitoring
- protection circuits, paralleling of Ac-generators
- Transformers
- function
- types and applications
- Transformer/rectifier units
d) Basic knowledge of computers
- Logic circuits
- Logical symbols
- Switching circuits and logical symbols
1.3 Power Plant
a) Piston engine
- design type
- Principle of the 4-stroke internal combustion engine
- Mechanical component
Lubrication system
- function
- schematic construction
- monitoring instruments and indicators
- lubricants
Air cooling
- system monitoring
- cylinder head temperature
- cowl flaps
- schematic construction and function
- types of ignition
- magneto check
Engine fuel supply
- carburetor (construction and mode of operation, carburetor icing)
- fuel injection (construction and mode of operation)
- alternate air
Engine performance
- pressure / density altitude
- performance as a function of pressure and temperature
Power augmentation devices
- turbocharger, supercharger (construction and effect on engine performance)
- types, grades
- detonation characteristics, octane rating
- colour coding
- additives
- water content, ice formation
- fuel density
- alternate fuels, differences in specifications, limitations
- rich and lean mixture
- maximum power and fuel economy mixture setting
- fixed pitch and constant speed propeller
- principles and operation of propellers on single and multi-engine aircraft
- propeller check
- propeller efficiency as a function of airspeed
- aircraft and engine protection (propeller operation: ground/ air, coarse/fine pitch limitations)
Engine handling and manipulation
- power setting, power range
- mixture setting
- operational limitations
Operational criteria
- maximum and minimum RPM
- (induced) engine vibration and critical RPM
- remedial action by abnormal engine start run-up and inflight
b) Turbine engine
- principles of operation
- types of construction
- turboprop
- turbojet
- turbofan
c) Engine construction
- Air inlet
- function
- Compressor
- function
- construction and mode of operation
- effects of damage
- compressor stall and surge (cause and avoidance)
- Diffuser
- function
- Combustion chamber
- function, types and working principles
- mixing ratios
- fuel injectors
- thermal load
- Turbine
- function, construction and working principles
- thermal and mechanical stress
- effects of damage
- monitoring of exhaust gas temperature
- Jet pipe
- function
- different types
- noise silencing devices
- Pressure, temperature and airflow in a turbine engine
- Reverse thrust
- function, types and principles of operation
- degree of efficiency
- use and monitoring
- Performance and thrust augmentation
- water injection, principles of operation
- use and system monitoring
- Bleed air
- effect of use of bleed air on thrust, exhaust temperature, RPM and pressure ratio
- Auxiliary gearbox
- function
d) Engine systems
- Ignition
- function, types, components, operation, safety aspects
- Starter
- function, type, construction and mode of operation
- control and monitoring
- self sustaining and idle speeds
- Engine start malfunctions
- cause and avoidance
- Fuel system
- schematic diagrams, components
- operation and monitoring
- malfunctions
- Lubrication
- components
- operation and monitoring
- malfunctions
- Fuel
- effects of temperature
- impurities
- additives
- Thrust
- thrust formula
- flat rated engine
- thrust as a function of airspeed, air density, pressure, temperature and RPM
- power plant operation and monitoring
e) Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
- General
- function, types
- location
- operation and monitoring
- Ram air turbine
- function
1.4 Emergency Equipment
a) Doors and emergency exits
- evacuation slides, general usage or as life rafts or
flotation devices
b) Smoke detection
- location, indicators, function test
c) Fire detection
- location, warning mode, function test
d) Fire fighting equipment
- location, operation, contents, gauge, function test
e) Aircraft oxygen equipment
- drill, use of equipment in case of rapid decompression
- oxygen generators
f) Hydraulic systems
- components, fluids
- operation, indication, warning systems
- auxiliary systems
g) Emergency equipment
- portable, hand-held fire extinguisher
- smoke mask, smoke protection hood]
- portable oxygen system
- emergency locator beacon, transmitter
- life jacket, life raft
- pocket lamp, emergency lighting
- megaphone
- cash axe
- fireproof gloves
- emergency flotation system

2. Principles of Flight
2.1 Subsonic Aerodynamics
a) Basics Laws and Definitions
- Laws and definitions
- units
- laws of Newton
- ideal gas equation
- equation of impulse
- equation of continuity
- Bernoulli’s theorem
- static pressure
- dynamic pressure
- viscosity
- density
- Basics about airflow
- stationary airflow
- not stationary airflow
- streamline
- stream tube
- two-dimensional airflow
- three-dimensional airflow
- Aerodynamic forces on surfaces
- resulting air force
- lift
- drag
- angle of attack
- forces and equilibrium of forces during climb, level, descent and turn
- Shape of an aerofoil
- thickness of chord ratio
- chordline
- camberline
- nose radius
- camber
- angle of attack
- angle of incidence
- The wing shape
- aspect ratio
- root chord
- tip chord
- tapered wings
- shape of wing surface
- mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
b) The two-dimensional airflow about an aerofoil
- streamline pattern
- stagnation point
- pressure distribution
- centre of pressure
- lift and downwash
- drag and wake (loss of impulse)
- influence of angle of attack
- flow separation at high angles of attack
- the lift-graph
c) The coefficients
- The lift coefficient C
- the lift formula
- CL – α graph
- CLmax and α
- normal values of CLmax, αcrit, stall, and the slope of the CL / A.o.A curve
- The drag coefficient CD
- the drag formulas:
- zero lift drag
- lift induced drag
- CD – α graph
- CL – CD graph, profile polar
- CL – CD ratio
- normal values of the CL – CD ratio
d) The three-dimensional airflow about an aeroplane
- Streamline pattern
- span-wise flow and causes
- tip vortices and local α
- tip vortices and angle of attack
- up-wash and down-wash due to tip vortices
- span-wise lift distribution
- wake turbulence behind an aircraft (causes, distribution, duration of the phenomenon)
- Induced drag
- influence of tip vortices on the angle of attack
- the induced local α
- influence of induced angle of attack on the direction of the lift vector
- induced drag and angle of attack
- induced drag and speed
- induced drag and wing aspect ratio
- induced drag and wing planform
- induced drag coefficient
- induced drag coefficient and angle of attack
- influence of the induced drag on the CL – α graph
- influence of the induced drag on the CL – CD graph, airplane lift drag ratio
- influence of plan of section
- winglets
- wing span loading
- influence of wing twist
e) The total drag
- influence of change of camber
- the parasite drag
- profile drag
- interference drag
- friction drag
- The profile drag and speed
- the induced drag and speed
- the total drag
- the total drag and speed
- minimum drag
- the drag – speed graph
f) The ground effect
- effect on CDi
- effect on αcrit
- effect on CL
- Effect on take-off and landing characteristics of an aircraft
g) The relation between the lift coefficient and the speed for constant lift
- as a formula
- in a graph
h) The stall
- Flow separation at increasing angles of attack
- the boundary layer:
- laminar layer
- turbulent layer
- transition
- separation point
- influence of angle of attack
- influence on:
- pressure distribution
- location of centre of pressure
- CL
- CD
- pitch moments
- down-wash at horizontal stabilizer
- buffet
- use of controls
- The stall speed
- in the lift formula
- 1g stall speed
- influence of:
- the centre of gravity
- power setting
- altitude / IAS
- wing loading
- load factor n:
- definition
- turns
- forces
- The initial stall in span-wise direction
- influence of plan form
- aerodynamic twist (wash out)
- geometric twist
- use of ailerons
- influence of fences, vortilons, saw teeth and vortex generators
- Special phenomena of stall
- the power-on stall
- climbing and descending turns
- swept back wings
- super- or deep-stall, stick pusher
- canards
- T-tailed aircraft
- avoidance of spins:
- spin development
- spin recognition
- spin recovery
- ice (in stagnation point and on surface):
- absence of stall warning
- abnormal behaviour of the stall
- stabilizer stall
- Stall warning
- importance of stall warning
- speed margin
- buffet
- stall strip
- flapper switch
- AOA vane
- AOA probe
- stick shaker
- recovery from stall
i) CLmax augmentation
- Trailing edge flaps and the reasons for use in take-off and landing
- different types of flaps:
- split flap
- plain flap
- slotted flap
- fowler flap
- their influence on the CL – α graph
- their influence on the CL – CD graph
- flap asymmetry
- influence on pitch movement
- Leading edge devices and the reasons for use in take-off and landing
- different types:
- Krueger flaps
- variable camber flaps
- slats
- their influence on the CL – α graph
- their influence on the CL – CD graph
- slat asymmetry
- normal/automatic operation
- Vortex generators
- aerodynamic principles
- advantages
- disadvantages
j) Means to decrease the CL – CD ratio, increasing drag
- Spoilers and the reasons for use in the different phases of flight
- different functions:
- flight spoilers (speedbrakes)
- ground spoilers (lift dumpers)
- roll spoilers
- spoiler-mixer
- their influence on the CL - α graph
- their influence on the CL – CD graph and ratio
- Speedbrakes as a means of increasing drag and the reasons for use in the different phases of flight
- the influence on the CL – CD graph ratio
k) The boundary layer
- Different types
- laminar
- turbulent
- Their advantages and disadvantages on pressure drag and friction drag
l) Special circumstances
- Ice and other contamination
- ice in stagnation point
- ice on the surface (frost, snow, clear ice)
- rain
- contamination of the leading edge
- effects on stall
- effects on loss of controllability
- effects on control surface movement
- influence on high lift devices during take-off, landing and low speeds
- affect on lift/drag ratio
- Deformation and modification of airframe, ageing aircraft
2.2 Transonic Aerodynamics
- The Mach number definition
- speed of sound
- influence of temperature and altitude
- compressibility
- Normal shockwaves
- Mcrit and exceeding Mcrit
- Influence of:
- mach number
- control deflection
- angle of attack
- aerofoil thickness
- angle of sweep
- area ruling
- CL – α graph
- CLmax
- CD
- CL – CD
- Aerodynamic heating
- Shock stall / Mach buffet
- Influence on:
- drag
- pitch (Mach trim):
- contribution of:
- movement of the centre of pressure
- angle of sweep
- down-wash
- Buffet margin, aerodynamic ceiling
- Means to avoid the effects of exceeding Mcrit
- Vortex generators
- Supercritical profile
- shape
- influence of aerofoil shape on shockwaves
- advantages and disadvantages of supercritical aerofoil
2.3 Stability
a) Condition of equilibrium in stable horizontal flight
- precondition for static stability
- sum of moments
- lift and weight
- drag and thrust
- sum of forces
- in horizontal plane
- in vertical plane
b) Methods of achieving balance
- Wing and empennage (tail and canard)
- control surfaces
- Ballast or weight trim
c) Longitudinal stability
- Basics and definitions
- Static stability, positive, neutral and negative
- precondition for dynamic stability
- dynamic stability, positive, neutral and negative
- damping:
- phugoid
- short period
- effect of high altitude on dynamic stability
- static stability
- neutral point/location of neutral point
- definition
- Contribution of:
- aircraft geometry
- down-wash
- a.c. of the wing
- Location of centre of gravity
- aft limit, minimum stability margin
- forward position
- effects on static and dynamic stability
- The CM – α graph
- Contribution of:
- location of centre of gravity
- control deflection
- major aircraft parts (wings, fuselage, tail)
- configuration:
- flap deflection
- gear extension
- The elevator position – speed graph (IAS)
- Contribution of;
- location of centre of gravity
- trim (trim tab)
- trim (stabilizer trim)
- Mach number/Mach trim
- friction in the system
- down spring
- bob weight
- The manoeuvring /stick force per g
- Contribution of:
- location of centre of gravity
- trim
- down spring
- bob weight
- Stick force per g and the limit load factor
- category of certification
- Special circumstances
- ice:
- effects of flap extension
- effects of stabilizer ice
- rain
- deformation of airframe
d) Static directional stability
- Slip angle ß
- Yaw moment coefficient CN
- CN – ß graph
- Contribution of :
- location of centre of gravity
- angle of sweep of the wing
- fuselage at high angles of attack
- strakes
- dorsal fin and angle of sweep of fin
- major aircraft parts
e) Static lateral stability
- Bank angle ø
- The roll moment coefficient CL
- Contribution of angle of slip ß
- The CL – ß graph
- Contribution of:
- angle of sweep of wing
- ventral fin
- location of the wing
- dihedral / anhedral
- Effective lateral stability
f) Dynamic lateral stability
- effects of asymmetric propeller slipstream
- Tendency to spiral dive
- Dutch roll
- causes
- Mach
- yaw damper
- Effects of altitude on dynamic stability
2.4 Control
a) General
- Basics, the Three Planes and Three Axis
- Camber change
- Angle of attack change
b) Pitch Control
- Elevator
- Down-wash effects
- Ice on tail
- Location of centre of gravity
c) Yaw Control
- Pedal/Rudder ratio changer
- Moments due to engine thrust
- direct
- induced
- Engine failure
- rudder limitations at asymmetric thrust
- meaning of VMCA, VMCG
d) Roll Control
- Ailerons
- inboard ailerons
- outboard ailerons
- function in different phases of flight
- Spoilers
- Adverse yaw
- Means to avoid adverse yaw
- frise ailerons
- differential aileron deflection
- coupling ailerons to rudder by spring
- roll spoilers
- effects of asymmetric propeller slip stream
e) Interaction in different planes (yaw/roll)
- limitations of asymmetric power
f) Means to reduce control forces
- Aerodynamic balance
- nose balance
- horn balances
- internal balances
- balance tab, anti-balance tab
- servo tab
- spring tab
- Artificial
- power assisted controls
- fully powered controls
- artificial feel:
- inputs:
- dynamic pressure q
- stabilizer setting
g) Mass Balance
- reasons to balance
- means
h) Trimming
- reasons to trim
- trim tabs
- stabilizer trim/trim rate versus IAS
- position of centre of gravity influence on trim/stabilizer setting for take-off
2.4 Limitations
a) Operating limitations
- flutter
- aileron reversal
- gear/flap operating
b) Manoeuvring envelope
- Manoeuvring load diagram
- load factor
- accelerated stall speed
- VA, VC, VD
- manoeuvring limit load factor/certification category
- Contribution of:
- mass
- altitude
- Mach number
c) Gust Envelope
- Gust load diagram
- vertical gust speeds
- accelerated stall speed
- VB, VC, VD
- gust limit load factor
- Contribution of:
- mass
- altitude
- Mach number
2.5 Propellers
a) Conversion of engine torque to thrust
- meaning of pitch
- blade twist
- fixed pitch and variable pitch/constant speed
- propeller efficiency versus speed
- effects of ice on propeller
b) Engine failure or engine stop
- Windmilling drag
- influence on yaw moment when asymmetric power
- Feathering
- influence on glide performance
- influence on yaw moment when asymmetric power
c) Design feature of power absorption
- aspect ratio of blade
- diameter of propeller
- number of blades
- propeller noise
d) Moments and couples due to propeller operation
- Torque reaction
- Gyroscopic precession
- Asymmetric slipstream effect
- Asymmetric blade effect
2.6 Flight Mechanics
a) Forces action on an airplane
- Straight horizontal steady flight
- Straight steady climb
- Straight steady descent
- Straight steady glide
- Steady coordinated turn
- bank angle
- load factor
- turn radius
- angular velocity
- rate one turn
b) Asymmetric Thrust
- Moments about the vertical axis
- Influence of bank angle
- overbanking
- finstall
- Influence of aircraft weight
- Influence of use of ailerons
- Influence of special propeller effects on roll moments
- propeller torque
- propeller wash on flaps
- Influence of slipangle on roll moments
- Influence of altitude
c) Emergency Descent
- Influence of configuration
- Influence of chosen mach number and IAS
- Typical points on polar curve
d) Windshear

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