Monday, 14 March 2016


1.       Diurnal variation of temperature is greatest when wind is
a.    calm
b.      light
c.      strong
2.       Diurnal variation of temperature is maximum over
a.      forest
b.      ocean
c.    land
3.       On a clear day the amount of radiation received by earth surface is
a.      3/4 th
b.      30%
c.    5/6 th
4.       ALBEDO is
a.      Radiation received by earth
b.      Amount of heat
c.    Reflecting power of earth
5.       During Day the ambient temperature is ... than ground
a.    Lower
b.      Higher
c.      Same
6.       Diurnal variation of temperature over ocean is ...
a.      More than land
b.      Above 3°C
c.    Less than 1°C
7.       At a coast diurnal variation of temp, depends on ..
a.    Wind direction
b.      Wind speed
c.      Radiation
8.       Snow surface reflects about % of solar radiation.
a.      75%
b.    80%
c.      90%
9.       Amount of Solar radiation received per unit area is ...
a.    Insolation
b.      Convection
c.      Radiation
10.   Solar radiation received by the earth is called..
a.      Long Wave
b.      Albedo
c.    Shortwave
11.   Rise in temperature of a surface is   proportional to its specific heat
a.      Directly
b.    Indirectly

12.   Specific heat of land is       than that of water
a.    Lower
b.      Same
c.      Higher
13.   Minimum temperature is reached at ...
a.      sunrise
b.      midnight
c.    1/2 -  1 hour after dawn
14.   An air parcel is lifted till it gets saturated. The temperature attained at this stage is called
a.      Potential temperature
b.    Dew Point
c.      Wet bulb
15.   Cloudy nights are
a.      cold
b.      normal
c.    warm
16.   Water vapour is transparent to terrestrial radiation
a.      completely
b.    partially
c.      indifferent
17.   Higher the temperature ... would be the wavelength of emitted radiation
a.      longer
b.    shorter

18.   Air is a bad conductor of heat. A parcel of air can therefore be regarded as insulated from the environment
a.      False
b.    True

19.   Warmer the earth    ... will be the Nocturnal radiation
a.    larger
b.      smaller

20.   Heat is the of the KE of all molecules and atoms of a substance
a.    sum total
b.      average

21.   The solar radiation consists of about    46 %
a.      UV
b.    IR
c.      Visible
22.   The total amount of energy radiated by a black body is proportional to
a.      T2
b.      T3
c.    T4

23.   Intense radiation are emitted by
a.    Hot bodies
b.      Cold bodies
c.      Stars
24.   The wavelength of most intense radiation is inversely proportional to the....
a.    Absolute temperature
b.      Humidity
c.      Albedo
25.   Hot bodies (like sun) radiate
a.    Short Waves
b.      Long Waves
c.      Both
26.   The flow of heat from earth surface is 77%   by
a.      Sensible Heat
b.    Latent Heat

27.   -40° C - -40° F
a.    True
b.      False

28.   Surface Temp, is recorded at a height of above ground
a.      1.5 m
b.    1.25m
c.      2 m
29.   The door of Stevenson's screen should open
a.    opposite to sun
b.      into sun
c.      any direction
30.   The liquid used in Minimum Thermometer is
a.      mercury
b.    alcohol

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