Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Syllabus for Examination for Issue of Commercial Pilot’s Licence - Aviation Meteorology (DGCA)

1.1 The Atmosphere
a) Composition, extent, vertical division

b) Temperature
- vertical distribution of temperature
- transfer of heat: solar and terrestrial radiation, conduction, convection, advection and turbulence
- lapse rate, stability and instability
- development of inversions, types of inversions
- temperature near the earth’s surface, surface effects, diurnal
- variation, effect of clouds, effect of wind

c) Atmospheric pressure
- barometric pressure, isobars
- pressure variation with height, contours (isohypses)
- reduction of pressure to mean sea level, QFF
- surface low/upper-air low, surface high/upper-air high-precipitation

d) Atmospheric density : interrelationship of pressure, temperature and density

e) International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)

f) Altimetry
- pressure altitude, true altitude
- height, altitude, flight level
- altimeter settings: QNH, QFE, 1013.25 hPa
- effect of accelerated airflow due to topography

1.2 Wind
a) Definition and measurement

b) Primary cause of wind
- primary cause of wind, pressure gradient, coriolis force, gradient wind
- relationship between isobars and wind

c) General circulation
- general circulation around the globe

d) Turbulence
- Turbulence and gustiness, types of turbulence
- origin and location of turbulence

e) Variation of wind with height
- variation of wind in the friction layer

f) Local winds: Anabatic and katabatic winds, land and sea breezes, venturi effects

g) Standing waves
- origin of standing waves

1.3 Thermodynamics
a) Humidity
- water vapour in the atmosphere
- temperature / dew point, mixing ratio, relative humidity
1.4 Clouds and Fog
a) Clouds formation and description
- cloud types, cloud classification
- influence of inversions on cloud development
b) Fog, mist, haze
- radiation fog
- advection fog
- steaming fog
- frontal fog
- orographic fog
1.5 Precipitation
a) Development of precipitation
- development of precipitation
- types of precipitation
- type of precipitation, relationship with cloud types

1.6 Airmasses and Fronts
a) Types of airmasses
- description, factors, affecting the properties of an airmass
- classification of airmasses, modifications of airmasses, areas of origin

b) Fronts
- boundaries between airmasses (fronts), general situation, geographic differentiation
- warm front, associated clouds and weather
- cold front, associated clouds and weather
- Warm sector, associated clouds and weather
- weather behind the cold front
- occlusions, associated clouds and weather
- stationary front, associated clouds and weather
- movement of fronts and pressure systems, life cycle

1.7 Pressure Systems
a) Location of the principal pressure areas

b) Anticyclone: Anticyclones, types, general properties, cold and warm anticyclones, ridges and wedges, subsidence

c) Non frontal depressions
- thermal, orographic – and secondary depressions, cold air pools, trough
d) Tropical revolving storms

1.8 Climatology
a) Typical weather situations in mid-latitudes
- westerly waves
- high pressure area
- uniform pressure pattern

b) Local seasonal weather and wind
- SE & NE Monsoon, Pre-Monsoon, Northwesters, Kalbaisakhi
- Western Disturbance

1.9 Flight Hazards
a) Icing
- weather conditions for ice accretion, topographical effects

b) Turbulence
- effects on flight, avoidance

c) Windshear
- definition of windshear
- weather conditions for windshear
- effects on flight

d) Thunderstorms
- structure of thunderstorms, squall lines, life history, storm cells, electricity in the atmosphere, static charges
- conditions for and process of development, forecast, location, type specification
- Thunderstorm avoidance, ground/airborne radar, storm scope
- development and effect of down bursts
- development of lightning discharge and effect of lightning strike on aircraft and flight execution

e) Low and high level inversions: Influence on aircraft performance

f) Hazards in mountainous areas
- influence of terrain on clouds and precipitation, frontal passage
- vertical movements, mountain waves, windshear, turbulence, ice accretion
- development and effect of valley inversions

g) Visibility reducing phenomena
- reduction of visibility caused by mist, smoke, dust, sand and precipitation
- reduction of visibility caused by low drifting and blowing snow

1.10. Meteorological Information
a) Observation
- On the ground – surface wind, visibility and runway visual range, transmissometers; Clouds – type, amount, height of base and tops, movement; Weather – including all types of precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point, atmospheric pressure
- aircraft observations and reporting, data link systems, PIREPS

b) Weather Charts
- significant weather charts
- surface charts
- upper air charts
- symbols and signs on analysed and prognostic charts

c) Information for Flight Planning
- Aeronautical codes: METAR, TAF, SPECI, SIGMET, SNOWTAM, runway report
- Meteorological broadcasts for aviation: VOLMET, ATIS, HFVOLMET, ACARS
- Content and use of pre-flight meteorological documents
- Meteorological briefing and advice
- measuring and warning systems for low level windshear, inversion

- Special meteorological warnings

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