Monday, 14 March 2016


1.       Aurora Australis occur in the
a.    S hemisphere
b.      N hemisphere
c.      Equator
2.       Aurora Australis called .... Lights
a.      Northern
b.    Southern
c.      Temperate
3.       Aurora BoreaKs occur in the
a.      S hemisphere
b.    N hemisphere
c.      Equator
4.       Aurora Borealis are called              Lights
a.    Northern
b.      Southern
c.      Temperate
5.       Corona occur in  clouds
a.    AS
b.      NS
c.      CS
6.       Bishop's ring is due to the diffraction of light by fine particles of

a.      water
b.    dust
c.      ice
7.       The radius of the Bishop's ring is about
a.      32°
b.    22°
c.      42°
8.       Superior Mirage occurs in marked
a.      Lapse
b.      Isothermal
c.    Inversion
9.       Inferior Mirage occurs when there is
a.    Lapse
b.      Isothermal
c.      Inversion
10.   Corona are formed due to the      of light
a.      Refraction
b.    Diffraction
c.      Scattering
11.   Corona are formed due to light, passing through
a.      Mist only
b.      Fog only
c.      small water or ice particles only
d.    Any one of all these
12.   Halo is produced by
a.    Refraction
b.      Diffraction
c.      Scattering
13.   Halo is produced when light passes through
a.      water particles
b.    ice crystals
c.      both
14.   Halo occur in the cloud
a.      AS
b.      NS
c.    CS
15.   Halo is luminous ring of     radius
a.      32°
b.    22°
c.      42°
16.   Halo round the sun shows a pure clear     on the outside
a.    Red
b.      Yellow
c.      Violet
17.   Halo signifies predominance in the cloud of
a.      Supercooled water drops
b.    Ice crystals
c.      Both
18.   The cloud which cause Halo has ... chances of ice accretion
a.    negligible
b.      maximum
c.      medium
19.   Sometimes a halo with a radius of            is observed, called Large Halo
a.      32°
b.    42°
c.      22°
20.   Halo occurs from.... cloud
a.      Low
b.      Medium

c.    High

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