Tuesday 15 March 2016

Regulation Miscellaneous Que. Paper - 5

1.  Oxygen is to be carried for all crew members and passengers above a absolute pressure of: 
           a) 800 hPa    b) 700 hPa   c) 620 hPa d) 1000 hPa
Ans. c)

2. Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is the continuous broadcast of recorded
    information concerning
      a) Pilots of radar-identified aircraft whose aircraft is in dangerous proximity to terrain or to
          an obstruction
      b) Non-essential information to reduce frequency congestion
      c) Non-control information   in selected high-activity terminal areas
      d) To warn pilots about conflicting traffic
Ans. c)

3. If the control tower uses a light signal to direct a pilot to give way to other aircraft and continue circling, the light will be
a)      flashing red    b) steady red    c) alternating red and green    d) steady white
Ans. b)

4. Which light signal from the control tower clears a pilot to taxi?

Regulation Miscellaneous Que. Paper - 4

Q1. AIP India is published by:
       a) DGCA       b) AAI          c) Civil Aviation Ministry        d) ICAO
Ans. b)

Q2. AIP consists of:
       a) 3 parts (GEN, ENR & AD)                                    b) 4 parts (GEN, ENR, AD MET)
       c) 6 parts (GEN, ENR, AD, MET, COMM, ATC)   d) 2 parts (GEN, AD)
Ans. a)

Q3. Regular amendments to the AIP will be:
       a) Twice a year in Jan and July month of each year
       b) Every quarter of the year Jan, April, July and Oct month of each year
       c) Once every year in the month of April of each year
       d) On as required basis
Ans. c)

Q4. Without visual aid, a pilot often interprets centrifugal force as a sensation of:

Regulation Miscellaneous Que. Paper - 3

1. In class A airspace
a)      All flights are permitted.            b) Only VFR flights are permitted. 
c)   Only IFR flights are permitted. d) SPL VFR flights are permitted.
Ans. c)

2. In class D air space
a)      IFR & VFR flights are permitted & all flights are subject to Air Traffic Control
b)      IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights & receive information in respect of VFR flights
c)      VFR flights receive traffic information about other flights
d)     all are correct
Ans. d)

3. Route guides are required to be carried in
a)      all aircraft                                                                     b) all private aircraft   
c)   Aircraft involved in scheduled transport services       d) all aircraft engaged in aerial work
Ans. c)

4.  ADC clearance is required to be obtained

Regulation Miscellaneous Que. Paper - 2

1. Prohibition of flights over Mathura refinery:
a) With in a radius of 1 NM.                   b) With in a radius of 10 NM
c) With in a radius of 20 NM                  d) with in a radius of 10 kms
Ans.     (d)  

2. Following failure of two way radio communications the pilot should select one of the  
   following on the transponder :
a) Mode A 7700    b) Mode A 7500      c) Mode C 2000    d) Mode A 7600
Ans.     (d)

3. When two aircraft are approaching head on, the rules of the air require that
a) Both aircraft alter heading to starboard            b) Both aircraft alter heading to port                                    
c) The larger aircraft alters heading to starboard d) The smaller aircraft alters heading to port
Ans.     (a) 

4. An Instrument Rating Test is valid before renewal for:   

Regulation Miscellaneous Que. Paper - 1

1. Position report is required to be given when
a)      Crossing an FIR               b)Over a compulsory reporting point
c)      if so required by ATC      d) all are correct
Ans.     d

2. Aerodrome data and facilities are given in
a)      Aeradio         b) AIP         c) Notams         d) AIRACs
Ans.     b

3. An aircraft is following a track of 179ยบ (M) on a VFR plan. The choice of flight levels  
    available to the pilot are:
a)      50,70,90,150,170,190,210,230,250,270,290
b)      55,75,95,155,175,195,215,235,255,275,295
c)      50,70,90,110,130,160,180,200,220,240,260,280
d)     55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 235, 255, 275
Ans.     d

4. A horizontal red square panel with one yellow diagonal means:

Meteorology Indigo Que. Bank Part 5 (327- 340) (3922)
While approaching your target aerodrome you receive the following message:RVR runway 23: 400mThis information indicates the

a) length of runway which a pilot in an aircraft on the ground would see, on the threshold of runway 23.

b) meteorological visibility on runway 23.
c)  portion of runway which a pilot on the threshold of any of the runways would see, with runway 23 in service.

d) minimum visibility at this aerodrome, with runway 23 being the one in service. (3923)
Runway Visual Range (RVR) is

a) usually better than meteorological visibility

b) reported when meteorological visibility is less than 2000m
c) reported in TAF and METAR
d) measured with ceilometers alongside the runway (3924)
The wind direction in a METAR is measured relative to

a) true north

b) magnetic north
c) the 0-meridian
d) grid north (3925)
The cloud base, reported in the METAR, is the height above

Meteorology Indigo Que. Bank Part 4 (312-326) (3731)
In temperate latitudes what weather conditions may be expected over land during the summer in the centre of a stationary high pressure zone ?

a) Calm winds, haze.

b) TS, SH.
c) CB, TS.
d) NS. (3732)

What is the most likely cause of a lack of clouds at higher levels in a stationary high?

a) Sinking air

b) Rising air
c) Instability
d) Divergence at higher levels (3733) Subsidence is :

a) vertically downwards motion of air

b) horizontal motion of air
c) vertically upwards motion of air
d) the same as convection (3734)
If the pressure surfaces bulge upwards in all levels then the pressure system is a

a) warm high

b) cold low
c) cold high
d) warm low (3735)

The stable layer at some height in the low troposphere of an older high pressure area in the mid-latitudes is called

a) subsidence inversion

b) friction inversion
c) radiation inversion
d) trade wind inversion (3736)
A blocking anticyclone on the northern hemisphere is